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Sustainable development of "Culinary Arts and Hospitality Cluster" (CAHA), Contract No. К-02-11/26.07.2013

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Component 1 "Development and support of administrative body of the cluster":
Implementation of component 1 include the following activities and sub-activities:
Activity 1. Creating and resourcing the work of the administrative body of the cluster:
1.1. Provision and resourcing of the Office of the cluster - 2 separate offices in Dobrich. Selected team for management and coordination of the cluster, including: Expert "SME", Expert "Marketing and Advertising", Expert "Tourism", Office Manager.
1.2. Development of internal policies and procedures for the organization of activities and services to members of the cluster based on the statutes of the Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" - developed at the moment.
1.3. Organizing of discussion and development of an Action plan of the cluster according to the real market and economic environment - elaborated at the moment.
1.4. Opening of the office of the "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster in Dobrich - during the press conference.
Activity 2. Increasing the capacity of the management and administrative body of "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster:
2.1. Training of the officers of the cluster under the program of a vocational training center in "Economics and Management", part of the profession "Economist" with adapted module in organizational behavior and leadership in cluster organizations and PR within 70 academic hours and certification of qualification under the Law of Professional Education and Training - completed.
2.2. Employee participation at seminars at regional, national and international fairs and exhibitions in the field of gastronomy and tourism - two trainings / workshops for each of the fourth employees of the cluster. The seminars are held in the following four fairs:
- International Tourism Exchange "Vacation / Spa Expo" - Sofia - completed.
- Tourist Exchange "Your holiday" - Burgas - completed.
- International Tourism Exhibition "Cultural Tourism" - Veliko Tarnovo - completed.
- International Exhibition of Vine and Wine, Wine Festival "Winery", Plovdiv - completed.
Activity 3. Exchange of experiences and best practices.
3.1. Survey of contacts and practices of existing clusters at national and international level in the field of tourism, gastronomy and hospitality. Creating a database with 80 contact - completed.
3.2. Establishing contacts and organizing site visits for training of managerial staff of the cluster, exchange of experience and best practices and enhance its capacity.
3.3.1. at the national level - a 2-day visit in Bulgaria - pending (possibly organized in Bansko?)
3.3.2. at the international level - three 3-day visits for 12 representatives of the members of the cluster (4 Participant) in 3 regions the countries that successfully develop culinary tourism - and meeting with local clusters and associations that develop national culinary destinations:
- (Tokaj (Hungary) - completed,
- Tuscany (Italy) - completed,
- Bordeaux (France) - forthcoming (July 2013)
Activity 4. Visualization and visibility of the project.
4.1. Manufacture and installation of two information boards identifying the offices of the cluster. Boards will be identical and will contain all the necessary data according to the rules of information and publicity of the Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" as sources and amount of funding, time and place of performance of the project.
4.2. Organizing 3 press conferences - at the start (ended), during the implementation and at the finalization of the draft (pending).
4.3. Periodical publications in the media to promote the results and progress of the project - at least 10 publications (1 made).
4.4. Preparation and printing of the information sheet at the beginning and at the end of the project to promote the activities, the results and the contribution of the Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013" - 2000 copies, A5 format in Bulgarian and English.
4.5. Development and publishing of an electronic Gazette of cluster "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" in every 3 months, which is distributed among at least 200 companies, organizations, governing institutions, consumers and other stakeholders in tourism and gastronomy. (1st issue - pending)
Component 2 "Projects with short duration of operation and quick results, and activities to attract new members in the cluster"

The activities under Component 2 are focused on promoting the activities of the cluster, attracting new members, expand and upgrade partner relationships at national and international level. Specific activities included in the scope of Component 2 are:
Activity 1: Developing a Website of the cluster with online reservation system and virtual culinary tours. Activity includes development of Website of the cluster - hosting, domain, design and publication of the website. The Internet site will allow direct bookings and payment for services provided by the members of the cluster. The capabilities of electronic marketing and e-commerce will be actively used to market the product of the cluster members and to increase sales. Virtual tours will include objects of cluster members in different combinations depending on the specific theme of culinary products - wine tour, local cuisine, Black Sea cuisine, cooking classes for amateurs and more - by giving the opportunity to be covered and sites of interest in culinary art whose owners were not involved in the very creation of the cluster, but want to join.
The website will be actively promoted on the Internet and social networks, that the individual tourists use actively in planning their free time. Through the Internet site the cluster will promote itself and will expand the scope of its activities and attract new members.

Activity 2: Research the market and develop a marketing strategy for cluster "Culinary Arts and Hospitality". The activity includes detailed research of the market at the regional level in North-West planning region and at the national level in the field of tourism, culinary and hospitality and developing a marketing strategy for expansion and diversification the activities of the cluster. A major feature of the strategy is the study of conditions for use of the techniques of e-commerce and e-marketing to increase market share of the firms in the cluster and the promotion of the culinary tourism. Marketing strategy will include a portfolio of services offered by the cluster members to improve their market position by using the advantages of networking and electronic reservation system.

Activity 3: Developing an advertising strategy and vision of the cluster, focusing on both domestic and international market. Advertising strategy is the selection of the desired segment, determination of result which must be made and the psychological axis, which is associated with the reasons for achieving this result. The strategy is built on three levels: definition of segment of given market needs, satisfaction surveys of the available products on the market and determination of the audience to achieve the result.
The main task of the advertising strategy is the elaboration of a common vision for the identity of the cluster - visual concept, logo, slogan and advertising message to identify cluster members and to share their goals in business and the cooperation.

Activity 4: Preparation information and advertising materials. The activity includes the development and printing of the following materials:
- Boards designating the logo and slogan of the cluster, which will indicate the locations of the cluster members - 20 pieces
- Posters - 1000 pieces;
- Developing and printing of advertising catalog presenting activity of the cluster and its members - trilingual (in Bulgarian, English and Russian) - 3000 copies.
- Establishment of an electronic database of potential users (at least 1,000 individual contacts) to receive electronic version of the advertising catalog .

Activity 5: Organizing four one-day information events in North-West planning region to promote the activities of the cluster and attract new members.
Each of the events excepting a presentation of the cluster will include a discussion session. The purpose of the discussion sessions is to identify innovations in cooking and culinary tourism, which can be taken on the Bulgarian market. Topics for discussion of each of the four events will cover the following areas: (1) restaurant and culinary, (2) production of culinary products and food industry, (3) healthy nutrition and food culture, (4) culinary tourism - characteristics and perspectives.
Information events are organized in Varna, Dobrich, Shumen and Loznitsa, as each event is intended for 30 participants.

Activity 6: Organizing a national conference on "Culinary and hospitality - a factor for successful development of tourism". The conference will be held within two days in the town of Dobrich involving at least 50 representative of the cluster members, representatives of tourist clusters at the national level, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Bulgarian Association of Hoteliers and Restaurateurs , tour operators, educational institutions, teaching employees in the area of tourism.

Activity 7: Organization and performing of international culinary exposure. The aim of the exhibition is to promote the activity of the cluster, to show the richness and importance of culinary for the successful development of the tourism sector, to allow for company presentations of cluster members and other companies in proven experience in the culinary arts to be broadcasted live on the Internet through the life-stream.
The exhibition is organized in Dobrich within 2 days and includes the participation of at least 30 companies and organizations in the field of tourism and gastronomy.

Activity 8: Participation in regional, national and international exhibitions in the field of tourism and culinary in order to promote the activities of the cluster:
8.1. National exhibitions
- Black Sea Tourist Forum – Varna,
- Tourist Exchange - Weekend Tourism - Rousse,
- International exhibition "Winery" – Plovdiv
Two members of the cluster participate of every event within 2 days.
8.2. International exhibitions
- International Tourism and Hospitality Expo – Athens, Greece
- Spa and Wellness, Health and Leisure Exhibition – Budapest, Hungary
- Tourism National Fair – Bucharest, Romania
Three members of the cluster participate of every event within 3 days.

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