g3889 en

Internal rules




Chapter One.
Art. 1. These Regulations determine the internal rules and procedures for organization of activities and services to members of the Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality", hereinafter referred to as the Association. Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" creates its internal organization and carries out its activity on the basis of the Statute and the provisions of these Regulations.
Art. 2. (1) Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is Association for performance of activity for private benefit under the Law for Non-Profit Organizations, registered by Decision № 49/30.08.2011 entered in the Register of non-profit organizations under № 14 Volume 20/137 on u . e № 14/2011 Dobrich District Court. Headquarters and registered office of the Association is Dobrich, "Bulgaria" № 3 Str.
(2) Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is an independent, voluntary, professional association that unites and represents the interests of companies and organizations in the field of gastronomy, family hospitality and tourism.
(3) The Association has an open nature and in it as members all individuals and legal entities could take part in accordance with the procedure laid down in these Regulations.
(4) Funds for the activities of the Association shall be raised from membership dues, donations, programs, grants, subsidies and project financing.

Chapter Two.
Art.3. The founders of Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" are members by right.
Art.4. (1) Association will expand its scope by attracting new members.
(2) Member of the Association can be any Bulgarian or foreign legal entity or active physical person which is relevant to the objectives that Association sets and activities included in its scope.
(3) Membership in the Association is voluntary.
(4) Members due annual membership fee of the Association determined to the provisions of the Statute and these Regulations.
(5) Members must meet the following requirements:
а) For legal entities - they must be duly registered under the current legislation the Republic of Bulgaria.
b) To be in contact with culinary, family hospitality or tourism.
c) To have a good reputation among the business community, the general public and the state institutions.
Art.5. Admission of new members takes place after written submission of applications to the applicant as a member in which he declares that he accepts and will comply with the Statute and the Regulations of the Association, as well as all internal documents of mandatory status.
Art.6. (1) Filed application shall be considered by the General Assembly, which decides whether the applicant can qualify as a member of the Association.
(2) After receiving the application within 15 days, it is setting a date for a general meeting.
(3) The date should be set so that it makes it possible to follow the procedure for convening the General Meeting in accordance with the Statute of Association and these Regulations.
Art.7. (1) At a session the General Assembly shall decide whether the applicant can qualify as a member of the Association by open ballot and a simple majority.
(2) If the answer to the application for membership is affirmative, the candidate becomes a full member of the Association from the date of the decision of the General Assembly and shall submit a membership fee in accordance with these Regulations.
(3) In case of refusal to be admitted as a member, the candidate will be disqualified from applying again in the next six months.
Art.8. Rights of Members of the Association:
(1) All members of the association have equal rights and obligations. Each member of the association has right of one vote in the General Assembly.
(2) Right out loud is acquired personally or by a duly authorized representative.
(3) Legal entities - members of the association participate in voting through their legal representatives or duly authorized person.
(4) Members of the Association have the right to participate actively in the activities of the association;
(5) Members can elect and be elected in the management bodies;
(6) Members are entitled upon request to receive information about the activities of the association and the state of its accountability;
(7) Members can enjoy the property of the association and the results of its operations;
(8) Members are entitled to use the services of the association in its capacity of cluster for culinary and family hospitality.
(9) Members are entitled to use visual and graphic signs (logo, slogan and message) belonging to the Association, to place them on their printed and electronic information, advertising, promotional, etc. materials, websites, business cards, documents, etc. When using the identifying marks of the Association in their websites members should provide a clickable link to the website of the Association. When using the identifying marks of the Association in printed materials members should place at least the logo, slogan and message of the Association, to write the name of the Association and its contacts.
Art.9. Procedure for terminating the membership relationship.
(1) Any member may unilaterally terminate the relationship with the association after prior written notice to the Board in the form of two months' notice.
(2) In case that any member of the Association violates the provisions of the Statute and decisions of the supreme governing body or other internal documents with binding, he may be expelled from the association.
(3) If such a violation is ascertained the General Assembly is convened, that after hearing the retorted side, vote on whether to terminate the membership.
(4) In the event that the General Assembly voted to expel a member from the Association the decision shall enter into force on the date of the General Meeting.
(5) In the event of termination of membership in the Association, the paid dues for the current year is not refundable.

Chapter Three.
Art.10.(1) Bodies of the Association are the General Assembly and the Management Board.
(2) Non-profit association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is managed and represented to third parties by the Chairman of the Board, elected and appointed by the General Assembly under the provisions Law for Non-Profit Organizations and the Statute of Association.
Art.11. (1) The General Assembly is the supreme body in which with the right aloud participating all members of the association.
(2) The general meeting shall be convened by invitation within a month before it takes place which include the date, time and venue of the meeting and its agenda.
(3) The invitation is considered to be duly given when on it there are the date of receipt and received signature - the person who is a member of the General Assembly or its authorized representative or the authorized representative of a legal person, a member of the Company General Assembly.
(4) The general meeting is called regularly once per year in the first four months of the year.
(5) Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the initiative of the Board or at the request of one third of the members of the association.
(6) General Assembly is legal and can make valid decisions if the meeting is attended by more than half of all members.
(7) In the absence of a quorum, the relevant provisions of the Law for Non-Profit Organizations are applied.
Art.12. General Assembly shall take decisions by open vote on the following matters:
1. amending and supplementing the Statute;
2. adopting other internal documents;
3. electing and dismissing the members of the Board;
4. admission and exclusion of members;
5. deciding on the opening and closing of branches;
6. deciding on participating in other organizations;
7. deciding on transformation or dissolution of the Association;
8. adoption of the budget of the Association;
9. decision making on the amount of membership dues or property contributions;
10. Adoption the activity report of the Management Board;
11. annulment of the decisions of other bodies of the Association, which are contrary to the law, Statute or other internal documents regulating the activities of the association.
Art.13. The end of the discussion relating to particular paragraphs on the agenda shall be announced by the Chairman on a vote by the General Assembly.
Art.14.(1) Adoption of resolutions by the General Meeting shall be by vote "for", "against" or "abstain".
(2) The voting is open and is done by a show of hands.
Art.15.(1) Decisions of the General Assembly shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of its majority in the Statute.
(2) Results of the voting are announced by the Chairman.
Art.16. For each session of the General Assembly there is a protocol that shall be signed by the President and by the recorder who are responsible for certifying the accuracy of its contents.
Art.17. Decisions of the General Assembly shall take effect immediately, unless their action is delayed or if the law shall take effect after publication.
Art.18. (1) Management Board - the Management Board consists of a Chairman and two members elected by the General Assembly for a period of 60 months.
(2) The Chairman shall represent the company individually to third parties. He is entitled to perform all acts and enter into all transactions relating to the operation of the association, to represent it and to authorize other persons to perform certain actions. The Chairman shall not alienate or encumber property of the Association unless duly decided by the Board.
(3) Members and Chairman of the Board may be reelected without limitation.
(4) The Management Board shall meet at least once in 12 months.
(5) The meeting is legal if there are more than half of its members.
(6) The Management Board shall take decisions by a simple majority - more than half of the attending.
(7) The Management Board may pass resolutions without holding a meeting if the record of the decision is signed without remarks and objections from all the members of the Board.
(8) Board members are required to perform their duties in the interest of the Association.
(9) In order to discharge its duties, the Board members shall have full access to all documents and units of the Association and all employees are required to assist them in carrying out inquiries and inspections.
(10) Board members are jointly liable for the damages caused culpably to the Association.
(11) Each member of the Management Board is obliged to disclose to the Board a presence of a conflict of interest and not to participate in voting on items of the agenda when the decision relating to him, to his spouse, to the relatives of line.
Art.19. The Management Board has the following powers:
(1) To represent the association and determine the representative power of the individual members;
(2) To ensure the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly;
(3) To dispose of the property of the association in compliance with the Statute;
(4) To prepare and submit a draft budget to the General Assembly;
(5) To prepare and submit an activity report about the company to the General Assembly;
(6) To determine the order and organize the activities of the association;
(7) To determine the address of the association;
(8) To make decisions on all matters which by law or the statutes do not belong to any other authority;
(9) To offer annual amount of the membership fee;
(10) To fulfill the obligations stipulated in the Statute.
(11) To consider the possibilities of applying for grant programs, make decisions and carry out the necessary actions;
(12) To dispose of the property of the Association in compliance with the law, the Statute, these regulations and the decisions of the General Assembly;
(13) To make decisions for adopting a list of services (free or paid services) that provides to its members;
(14) To accept donations and wills made in favor of the Association.
Art.20.(1) Meetings of the Board shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman or in the event that circumstances require important decision-making by the Board, it can be called by any of its members with prior notification of the Agenda.
(2) The Chairman of the Association shall convene a meeting of the Board upon written request of any of its members. If the Chairman fails to convene a meeting of the Board within a week, it can be called by any of the members concerned of the Board. In the absence of the Chairman, the meeting shall be chaired by the Vice Chairman - elected from among the members of the Board.
(3) A meeting of the Board is implemented by written notice received personally by the members at least 3 days before the meeting.
(4) The convocation can be done by e-mail, phone or fax.
(5) The invitation contains items on the agenda, date, time and venue of the meeting..
(6) Governing Board meetings are held generally in the company's headquarters. At the proposal of the Chairman of the Board, they may be called and held and elsewhere.

Art.21. Chairman of the Board shall have the following powers:
1. convenes meetings of the Board;
2. manages the overall activities and represents the Association to third parties;
3. opens and closes bank accounts of the Association and operates with them;
4. coordinates ongoing activities and enforces into implementation the decisions of the association;
5. prepares an annual balance sheet and financial report of the association and submits it for approval by the Board.
6. delegates in writing to the absence, the implementation of these functions to another member of the Board.
Art.22. (1) The General Assembly may recall a board member for gross violations of the Statute, decisions of the General Assembly or the Board and when consistently does not participate in the meetings, does not cooperate and does not work for ideas and objectives of the Association.
(2) Removal of a board member is voted by the General Assembly after exposure to the violations.
Art.23. Board member may participate and vote in decision making without holding a session by establishing a telephone or Internet connection, ensuring the identification and allowing participation in discussions and decision-making.
Art.24. (1) The Management Board has the obligation to organize and direct the activities of the Association in accordance with the Statute and the decisions of the General Assembly.
(2) The Management Board shall prepare the agenda and convene General Meeting under The Statute, these regulations and the law.
(3) The Management Board shall receive requests for inclusion and leaving the members of the Association, shall report to the General Assembly as the order provided by the Statute.
(4) The Management Board shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly a report on the activities of the Association.
(5) Stores and keeps the correspondence of the Association and establishes subsidiary bodies to it.
(6) Decides on all matters that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Assembly.

Chapter Four.
Art.25. The outgoing documents from the document flow of the Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is drawn up in duplicate, a copy remaining in the registry and one that is sent, contain the logo and seal of the Association and the signature of the authority who has prepared the document and the date of preparation.
Art.26. (1) In Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is kept the following mandatory documentation:
1. Incoming and outgoing register for documentation, lists, records and correspondence;
2. The Management Board of the Association shall keep the following mandatory documentation:
2.1. Incoming and outgoing register of records;
2.2. Register of members;
2.3. Register to record the decisions of the Board;
2.4. Register to record the protocols, records and reports of the Board and General Assembly;
2.5. Register of orders, etc. if necessary.
(2) Mandatory documentation is numbered and stamped with the seal of the Association.
(3) The seal of the Association shall be kept by the Chairman of the Board;
Art.27. (1) For each session of the General Assembly or the Board record is kept which shall include:
1. time and place of the meeting;
2. the names of present members and external parties who attend the meeting with the permission of the board (if any);
3. the agenda;
4. the proposals for decisions;
5. the votes and the results thereof, indicating the vote of each member of the Board;
6. the decisions taken.
(2) The protocols shall be made within three (3) working days of the session and signed by all present at the session.
(3) Written materials submitted for discussion, the proxy to represent the members and their possible observations on the items on the agenda are attached to the protocol.
(4) The originals of the protocols with all attachments thereto are stored at the Chairman or a person appointed by the Board.
(5) Copies of the protocols can be provided automatically to its members immediately after the preparation of the protocols.
(6) The ready protocols are listed in the protocol log (book) that is certified annually by the Chairman. Protocols and annexes thereto shall be kept five (5) years from the date of the session.
Art.28. Transcript excerpts of the protocols, containing the decisions of the General Assembly or the Board, may be provided to any interested member of the Association.
Art.29. (1) The documentation of the Association shall be kept by the Chairman or other designated person.
(2) Access to the documentation of the Association have members and persons appointed by the Board or by normative act.
Art.30. (1) The questions posed for resolution by the General Assembly or the Board shall be considered on written information prepared and submitted by the importer within one week before the meeting date.
(2) Of the meetings with the view of the nature of the issues can be allowed to attend and other interested parties (experts, etc.), whose professional competence is related to the issues discussed at the meeting.

Chapter Five.
Art.31. Activity of the association is funded by:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Targeted payments;
(3) Donations, grants and subsidies from Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons;
(4) Receipt of government funding;
(5) Advertising revenues of the members of the Association;
(6) Funds donated by the founders and members of the Association;
(7) Income from own property and other assets;
(8) Starting fees related to the organization of research, educational and cultural events in conjunction with tasks and objectives under the Statute of the Association;
(9) Providing consultancy and specialized services;
(10) Sponsorship;
(11) Joint venture agreements;
(12) Other sources permitted by law;
Art.32. (1) Contributions of members of the Association shall be reviewed annually by the General Assembly. The amount is as follows:
1. founders pay an annual membership fee of 0.00 lev;
2. new members pay an annual membership fee 0.00 lev;
(2) The membership fee may be amended only by the General Assembly of the Association. By the same decision is automatically amended this Article of these regulations, without requiring changes to be taken by the General Assembly. Of the decision taken shall be notified to the members of the Association, whose representatives were not present at the General Meeting decided on the change in the amount of dues.
(3) The amount of dues shall be paid in cash or bank transfer until the end of the first quarter of the current year.
(4) New members shall pay within one month after its admission to the Association, the remainder of the annual dues from the month in which they are adopted.
Art.33. (1) Association provides services in the following areas:
1. Organized presentation of the services of the members;
2. Identification and promotion of products in the field of culinary and hospitality;
3. Organizing and conducting trainings;
4. Conducting specific tourism and culinary tours;
5. Excursions, trips, group visits;
6. Advertising campaigns;
7. Marketing promotions;
8. Fairs and other promotional activities - conferences, competitions, festivals, etc.;
9. Creating and offering innovative tourism and culinary products and services;
10. Conducting research, analyzes, surveys of market demand, wants and needs, the state of competition and opportunities for quality improvement, etc..
(2) Association members enjoy benefits and discounts on participation in organized events of the cluster, including training courses and seminars, activities for technical assistance, advertising services, preparation of studies and analyzes, etc.
(3) The provided discounts on various activities will be as follows:
1. For the founders of the Association - free of charge;
2. For members of the Association - a discount of 30% - 50% depending on the services provided. The exact amount of the rebate for each service will be announced on the website of the Association;
3. For external natural and legal persons - at market prices.
(4) Amount of the discount may be altered by the General Assembly. By the same decision is automatically amended this Article of these regulations, without requiring changes to be taken by the General Assembly.
(5) Member or founder of the Association can provide additional discount on its services / products to other members of the Association. The amount of discount for specific service / product shall be declared by the supplying member / founder on the website of the Association.
(6) Association provides services for upon written request-application of the founder, member or different physical / legal entity. The request-application should contain the type of service required, its volume and parameters and additional requirements (if applicable). Provision of any service by the Association objectifies in a separate written agreement with a party, in which it is specifying the type, volume and technical parameters of the requested service, the price (including the amount of the agreed discount) and the deadline for its submission.
(7) Information on current services provided by the Association can be found on the website of the Association or upon request at the office of the same.
Art.34.(1) Association will spend its funds in the following areas:
1. Costs of conducting training through seminars and symposiums of the Association, as well as training and retraining courses for specialists in the field of gastronomy, family hospitality and tourism;
2. Cost of carrying out projects in the field of training and education related to the objectives of the Association;
3. Organizing and financing international cultural exchange with Bulgarian and foreign participants at home and abroad;
4. Costs of setting up and maintenance of equipment, designed for carrying out the activities of the Association;
5. Costs for the formation of appropriate media and social climate for the development of culinary, family hotels and tourism;
6. Costs of disseminating the results of the activities of the Association in the media;
7. Costs of implementing the additional economic activity of the Association relating to the main activity.
Art.35.(1) Annual program for the activities of the Association shall be made by the Board and adopted by the General Assembly. It identifies the activities and measures included in the main activity of the association, which it plans to perform during the calendar year.
(2) The annual program provides specific actions that will be taken to each individual event or activity. The Management Board shall establish a plan for carrying out different activities and organizing individual events for the calendar year.
(3) The resources needed to carry out the various activities and events for the calendar year, its type, size, specific purpose, method of disbursement shall be determined by the Board with the annual program for the activities of the association and provide for the annual budget.
(4) With the annual program Management Board of the Association organizes and carries out scheduled separate activities and spends identified in the program and the budget allocations in accordance with the approved type, size and purpose of use of funds.
Art.36.(1) The General Assembly adopts guidelines and programs of activities.
(2) Based on the guidelines adopted by the General Assembly, the Management Board shall prepare an annual plan of activities of the Association and the draft for annual budget to be submitted for adoption by the General Assembly.
(3) In the annual Action Plans specific tasks, deadlines and persons in charge will be identified.
(4) Annual activity plans are linked to the annual budget of the Association.
Art.37. The control over the implementation of the planned tasks is performed by the Board.
Art.38 Association by its governing bodies controls the following basic processes of coordination in the cluster network:
• Exchange of information and communications;
• Achieving a balance of interests and conflict resolution;
• Establishing mutual trust among the network partners;
• Preparation of solutions;
• Establishment and strengthening of the common interest.

The present Regulations are adopted by the General Assembly on 17/10/2012 and came into force from the date of its adoption. These Regulations may be amended or supplemented by the General Assembly of the Association.

March 2025
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Tourist information

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    Monday to Sunday (1 May – 30 September) 8.00 a.m. – 17.30 p.m.

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    Saturday and Sunday, on preliminary order.

    1. For visiting one Museum:
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    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 1.00 lv.

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    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 2.00 lv.

    4.Guided tour 12.00 lv.

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